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Detox Stuff Australia (est. 2016)

We are Australias oldest, most reliable and leading supplier of detox products. We have a large range of synthetic urine brands and kits and were one of the first stockists of the ultra klean range of detox products. We also research and publish leading research into the field of drug detection in Australia and sell the standard AS4308 drug test kits in our store. Any questions you have - we are here to answer.

Our Blog

Clock With Spiderweb

How to Pass Drug Test in 48 Hours

Random drug tests are very common in most companies and organizations these days. Thus, make one so anxious about it most especially if someone just got himself into some drugs…
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Bar and Pills

Best Drug Masking Drink

Narcotics or alcohol consumption causes a lot of mental, emotional and physiological disorders. Along with many other body processes, the use of these substances can cause sleep disorder, abnormal metabolism,…
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Doctor Inspecting Something

Weed Detection Times in Saliva

If you’re going to search on the internet about how to pass a saliva drug test, millions of methods will show up. You can even find those weird methods in…
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The Test

Where to Buy Synthetic Urine in Brisbane

When it comes to purchasing synthetic urine in Brisbane, there are a few traditional routes you might consider. Many turn to local smoke shops or hydroponics stores, known colloquially as…
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Opening Times and Information

Contact us before visiting, we are mostly online only.

Brisbane: Corner of Calam and Compton Rd, Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109
Melbourne: Ground Floor, 470 St Kilda Rd Melbourne Vic 3004
Sydney: 1 Barratt Street, Hurstville, NSW. 2220

Opening Times
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: *Closed*
Sunday: *Closed*

email: [email protected]